That would be an interesting way to commit suicide, wouldn't it?
"Damn! Can't come up with a poem, so I'll hold my breath until I die."
If only it were that easy...
Hm. Can't think of a poem. (deep breath...) How about a limirick?

Who found there was no rhyme for a Zelda
She threw down her pen
And started again
After changing her name to Cruelda.
Hey, Walt Whitman! Top that!
"Welder" rhymes with "Zelda", Madame Z. Now think of something a welder could do for you.
No, dear friend. "Welder" does not rhyme with "Zelda." "Welder" rhymes with "Zelder." I did write a poem once about Zelda the Welda. I'll see if I can find it.
Great poem! Hope you're doing good. I have updated my blog by the way, and im going to try to write more.
Tho known for her closets of shoes
People gasped shaking their heads at Imelda
Many a fussy loud tantrum she threw
Except when tickled by redheaded Zelda
the end.
Matilda, Esmeralda, Alan Alda if one is drunk.
Cool blob.
Or try to words Zelda, meld her.
Connor, I am so glad to hear from you. I was worried about you. I will now check on your updated blog.
Bill, your poem puts mine to shame. It's funny, I did think of "Imelda," but I couldn't get anywhere with it.
Randall, you have inspired me! Maybe I can think of something using all three of your suggestions, if I get drunk enough. Stay tuned...
Shauna, welcome to Z-land! I hadn't thought of using two words. Thanks for the idea.
Encore, dear Z!
"write a poem or die"... I'll remember that the next time I don't feel like writing. ;-)
I guess it was that or Grizelda (which is cheating because it still has 'Zelda' in it). :) St.
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