Things I Like to Do in the Dark
1. No, not that, you naughty people! I want the lights on for that.
2. Stand in front of a mirror and pretend that I am beautiful.
3. Stand in front of a mirror and, seeing no reflection, wonder if I am a werewolf.
4. Solve complicated calculus problems in my head.
5. Pretend that I am still in my mother's womb, and will be able to start my life over again, knowing what I know now.
6. Sing "You are my Sunshine."
7. Enjoy knowing that it doesn't matter if I am wearing my glasses or not.
8. Stand naked, in front of the living room window.
9. Pretend that the house is all clean and dust-free.
10. Swoop around the house, pretending I am a bat.
11. Catch mosquitoes with my tongue.
12. Sample different bottles of wine and try to guess which ones are red and which are white and wonder what the hell difference it makes if you can't see them?
13. Wonder if it's true that "all cats are grey in the dark."
14. Read "Black Like Me."
15. Try to remember where I put the remote control, so I can turn on the TV if I get tired of enjoying the dark.