Question: Was he GREAT, or was he GREAT?
He was calm, confident, self-assured and gave one hell of a speech. Plenty of lofty goals. Plenty of inspiring acknowledgements. Never flubbed a line. Promised something for everyone. I loved what he said. But I do have a question for him:
Um...President Obama, sir...How are we going to PAY for all these worthy goals?
Obama's showing he's the smartest guy in the the White House since FDR.
I like that he's talking to us and telling the way it is. As he said, sacrifice is in the wind.
I would have liked to have heard him say that all the fat cat crooks on Wall St. and in the banking business would be rounded up and sent to work in Appalachian coal mines. And all the negative motor mouths currently blabbering hate via the radio will have to clean cow barns, something perfect for them.
Bill, I like the way you think! Only problem with your Wall St. idea is that the "fat cats" would probably eat the canaries in the coal mines. And cleaning "cow barns" is too good for the hateful "motor mouths." They should have to clean *sewers*! With their own toothbrushes!
A good question, M.
It seems that the rich in the US are going to get a soaking. This is why I think it won't work. The rich always win (that's why they're rich) and, believe it or not, most of them actually deserve to be rich.
e-k, it's great to see you back! I do want to clear something up, though. I'm not a hate-the-rich kinda gal. I agree with you that "most of them actually deserve to be rich." I have especial respect for those who got rich through their own hard work, guts and brains, e.g. Bill Gates. We ordinary folks aren't the ones starting and running businesses. We "GET a job," not "MAKE a job."
I have little or no respect, however, for the bankers and brokers who twist and finagle the financial system for their own gains, with no concern for the health of the economy as a whole.
You can't answer your own question. That's just wrong. LOL
Love the New Deal overtones of his language and hope he tries hard to deliver. The US wasn't one of only three countries (Germany & Italy were the others but let's not go down that path!)to come out of the Great Depression with increased potential because they cut wages and sacked many, like Britain and Australia did.
How are we gonna pay: credit?
one man: Madam Z makes her own rules!
Lad Litter: A new deal is dawning.
Creepy: Yeah, we'll use our credit card..."Chinese Express"
Z, you've been funding a war that costs about a billion dollars a day, so the 800 billion dollar stimulus package will be a doddle.
Have faith and leave all this money stuff to us finance experts.
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