Hmmm...I think I'm going to pull a "
Kelso" here. I'm not going to go to the trouble of continuing the saga of Pan-man and the conference table, if only one person is going to read it. I thought I'd as least get some attention from my favorite femmy bloggers, like
dcup and the
Smack . But no dice. Sniffle, whine. And where is
Captain Smack, when I need a smile to brighten my dreary day? I
am grateful to
Distributorcap for stopping by. I felt a bit of a lift from his kindness.
Maybe I'll just do an "infinite number of monkeys at an infinite number of computers" thing, instead of my usual more arduous post.
Here goes...
mcourqfnldkqnsjfew reufqp jqjf ;jfaifjr as;tur93a.fjaper f vncscxdqirr/ cidfa;r3jrljrqw ; dkfew5q'jrl;ew5j ;suew;jk fs vasl;jfrjg ksjf nba;rjt;naporiq qnkadfjoqhqkwjiwurqhA;LRHHG;UFPN VJF0D958 RKU44J6;QWUW QTJURWJQT JQEW5Q'UTQ 3T DINF hf9oerjqlfjwp8543;nioeur1'jfeqhr4 ,mfasd985 ied;58nfdjrq;qjq'ffn4358fekqt ;eieyqewpqhfNFJDQNFOQR7JIQRWE SARUIRNFQ;FJ...

Okay, does it sound like Shakespeare yet?