Friday, February 15, 2008

While reading a post by dcup regarding sheltering her son from porn, I was reminded of an incident in my parenting past.
One day, I was in the den, ironing clothes and listening to the radio. My seven-year-old son was playing with his Legos nearby. The news was being broadcast, and the announcer launched into a story about a serial rapist who had been apprehended that day. There was considerable detail about the number of victims and the circumstances, and I was hoping desperately that my son was not listening. My "birds and bees" policy with both my kids was to answer their questions truthfully, as they came up, but not to go further than the question warrented. Needless to say, the question of "rape" had never been raised, and I wasn't eager to have to explain it. So, I just kept looking at the ironing board and hoping, hoping there would be no questions from my precious little boy.
Indeed, there was no question. But there was a statement. Precious looked up at me and said, "Wow, he sure was a horny guy!"


Gorilla Bananas said...

Heh! Weren't you curious to know what he meant by "horny"?

Madam Z said...

Oh Mr. Gorilla, I knew what he meant, from the context. That was part of the shock value. Not only did he know what "rape" meant, but what "horny" meant.

Anonymous said...

You gotta love those kids! What a great story!

Thanks for the link!

Westcoast Walker said...

Hi, new here - linked you through Zaius.

Nice story... it frightens me how aware my own little munchkins are sometimes. I like your approach of answering questions as they arise. My four year old asked me the other day how babies get inside their mommies, and I deflected it with "how do you think?", to which he replied - "probably through their mouth 'cause thats how things get in your tummy". I gave the typical vague and detail free response about two people loving each other and having a baby yadda yadda, but he is a bright little monkey and this answer will only suffice for a while!

fingers said...

The metere-high Lego wing-wang was probably an obvious sign your son knew what was going on...

Distributorcap said...

it is amazing what kids pick up -- mostly from school, but more and more from the internet, even from sites that are 'innocuous" -- places like,, all talk about rape and other types of crimes and sexual battering with regularity.

i guess there is no way to even keep a 7 year old away from it all -- and not being a parent i dont know if that is good or bad..

but you sure sound like a great one.

great story