Never Mind. I'm Good.
I was just sitting here feeling sorry for myself because my life is so dull and boring

and winter is coming and my feet are always cold and I have nothing to show for having lived another day and my shoulder hurts and I want to eat that last Snickers bar from Halloween, but I'm so afraid of getting fat and it's dark outside and I don't remember the last time I actually had fun, AND THEN I remembered tonight's news report on Zimbabwe. As if the poor people didn't have enough trouble, with a totally disfunctional government, civil war, horridly-hyper-inflation, famine, no clean drinking water and who knows what else, NOW they have been stricken with CHOLERA! The camera chronicled people dead and dying, mothers crying over their sick and dying children, and poorly equipped hospitals that are overflowing with desperate sick and dying people. 

And THEN I thought, I HAVE NOTHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT! NOTHING, NOTHING NOTHING!!! I am SO thankful I don't live in Africa.
On the other hand, it's much warmer there than here, and the sun shines longer and no one would care if I got fat, and not every country in Africa is as bad off as Zimbabwe. There's uh...or maybe...hmmm...
Never mind.
The end.
Actually, it would be highly suspicious if you did get fat in Africa...
im going to climb mt. kilimanjaro one day, before the snow cap melts by 2015.
Oh, c'mon, there's plenty to complain about. Just focus and you'll have a long list in a NY minute.
Nothing like a little perspective, right?
Bill is right, though, pretty soon my own issues will be at the forefront again and I'll find plenty to complain about!
It sounds cliche, but I totally agree with you that we have to be thankful for the basics of life.
Like I have a roof over my head when it's 25 degrees out. And I have two sweet kittens. And while I would prefer to have better furniture, I actually have stuff to sit on. And a TeeVee.
Thanks for that reminder, Z. It's really easy to get caught up in our own angst and allow it to consume us. Is our narcissism that obvious?
It's only one Snickers Bar.....
It's a little Snickers bar too, right? I wish I had one right now to go along with this Splotchy Virus I'm passin' on to you, dear. (Hi.)
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