7. When I was a little girl, my dad said that I ran like a turkey. Is that good or bad?.
8. Now I run like a gazelle. Okay, maybe a gazelle with three legs…
9. When I was sixteen, my dad said that I played the piano like I had lint in my navel. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t a compliment.
10. Now my navel is lint-free.
11. I lived in foster homes, off and on, from age 4 to 9. It sucked.
12. My mother was married five times. She was divorced once. That was before record keeping was computerized.
13. I have been married twice and divorced once, but not in that order.
14. I’ve changed my first name three times. I like the final one a lot and will stick with it. It starts with a “Z,” which is my favorite letter.
15. When I was 13 I attempted to throw a rotten watermelon from a moving car onto the steps of my junior high school, but it landed on the curb. Stupid watermelon.
16. When I was 14, I got really, really drunk on straight whiskey and puked my guts out for the next several hours. That was a long time ago and hasn’t happened since. I may be dumb, but I’m not stupid…or something like that.
17. I went to four different schools in fourth grade. That sucked.
18. My mother said that I was “a selfish brat,” just because I re-possessed the birthday gift that I had just given to my little sister. SHE WASN’T USING IT CORRECTLY, DARN IT!!
19. Actually, I really was a selfish brat. I still am. GET AWAY FROM MY CHOCOLATE!

20. I am an Atheist, goddamn it!
21. I pretend to be tolerant of religious nuts, but I think they’re stupid.
22. I think religious nuts should mind their own fucking business and stop trying to legislate morality.
23. I never use profanity except when it is warranted.
24. When I was 16, I necked with my high school History teacher. It was all his fault. He was too handsome.
25. When I was 26, I necked with my mother’s fourth husband. He was a good kisser, but a bad husband.
26. I have shoplifted. Twice. When I was 14, I stole a wallet. When I was 25, poor and powerless, I walked out of the store with a shiny, new extension cord. Really!
27. When I was 29, I went to a Halloween party, dressed as a tube of Crest toothpaste. My breath was minty fresh.
28. I know life isn’t fair, but why not? It’s not fair!
29. I would like to impose a worldwide, absolute law that would require a minimum age of 50 for any and all members of any and all military or pseudo-military groups. I’m pretty sure that would put the brakes on war.
30.I do not wish to listen to any popular music produced after 1985. It is not music.
31. I realize that I sound like my father when I say that.
32. The only sport I was ever good at is Poker. Make that “the only sport I didn’t SUCK AT was Poker.”
33. Yes, I do realize that I have 69 more things to come up with. Quit nagging me!
34. 69 is my favorite number.
35. It’s difficult to concentrate when I’m thinking of it, however.
36. Chimpanzees are my favorite animals, but I wouldn’t want to be one.
37. I like to dance to salsa music, especially when it’s hot and humid and the sweat pours down all my crevices.
38. Not that I have any more crevices than the next guy.
39. I lived in a boxcar for the first year of my life.

40. I liked it there, because I had no pesky little sisters yet.